The Way I Should Go
The Way I Should Go - Volume 1 Storybook (ebook)
The call of parents in Proverbs 22:6 to train their children in the way of the Lord can feel daunting. And yet, it is the single most important task a parent will face. The Way I Should Go is meant to come alongside parents on this meaningful journey of training their children. The stories in the book feature children encountering biblical character traits in real-life situations. They are sure to capture your child’s attention, while at the same time providing a platform for training in the ways of the Lord. Character traits covered in Volume 1 are Obedience, Patience, Honesty, Gratefulness, Responsibility, Respectfulness, Self-Control, Initiative, Kindness, Diligence, Contentment, and Deference. Recommended ages 6-11. See accompanying Memory Work and Activity Guide to further supplement your training. (61 pages) $4.99
Memory Work and Activity Guide - Volume 1 (eBook)
Every parent desires for their children to walk in the ways of the Lord. A great way for the things of the Lord to go from head-knowledge to heart-action is for God’s Word to be hidden in your heart; children are never too young to start. The Way I Should Go Memory Work and Activity Guide is a resource made to accompany the character stories from The Way I Should Go. Scripture passages are chosen for memory that will further develop your child’s understanding of each character trait from the storybook. As you make your way through the activity book, each new character trait brings with it a new scripture to memorize, along with activity, writing, and prayer pages. In addition, there is a page for your child to write out each verse and collect them into a book entitled "Keep It In My Heart", a wonderful keepsake of all the scripture they've hidden in their heart! A cover is included. Your child will also be tasked with completing a “mystery picture” and cracking a “secret code”! Information for completing each task is earned with the successful completion of each memory work section. Hiding God’s Word in your heart is important…why not make it fun too?! (126 pages) $4.99
Memory Verse Cards - Volume 1 (eBook)
Hiding God’s Word in your heart is important…why not make it fun too?! The Way I Should Go Memory Verse Cards for Volume 1 provides printable cards for memorization practice of each verse, as well as a list of fun ways to practice them. Available in ink friendly format as well. $1.99